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Publications by District Staff

The following publications are available by request from the District.  If you would like reprints of any of the articles below, please email your request to Jamesina Scott and a copy will be emailed to you.

  1. Anderson NL, Colwell AE, and Washino RK.  1980.  Equipment for studying the aquatic stages of the Clear Lake gnat (Chaoborus astictopus).  Proc Pap Annu Conf Calif Mosq Vector Control Assoc 48:127-130.
  2. Anderson NL, Woodward DL, and Colwell AE.  1986.  Pestiferous dipterans and two recently introduced aquatic species at Clear Lake.  Proc Pap Annu Conf Mosq Vector Control Assoc Calif 54:163-167.
  3. Anderson NL, Colwell AE, and Woodward DL.  1998.  The Black biting gnat (Culicoides variipennis) and water quality at Borax Lake, California.  Proc Annu Clear Lake Sci Manag Symp 1:8-13.
  4. Anderson NL, Colwell AE, and Woodward DL.  1998.  Vector-borne disease surveillance in Lake County, California.  Proc. Ann. Clear Lake Sci Manag. Symp 1:14.
  5. Apperson CS and Yows DG.  1976.  Laboratory evaluation of the activity of insect growth regulators against Culicoides variipennis (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae).  Mosquito News 36(2): 203-204.
  6. Apperson CS.  1975.  Biological activity of insecticides against Culicoides variipennis (Coquillett) (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae).  Proc Pap Annu Conf Calif Mosq Vector Control Assoc 43:118-119.
  7. Apperson CS, Elston R, and Castle W.  1976.  Biological effects and persistence of methyl parathion in Clear Lake, California.  Environ Entom 5(6): 1116-1120.
  8. Apperson CS, Schaefer CH, Colwell AE, Werner GH, Anderson NL, Dupras Jr. EF, and Longanecker DR.  1978.  Effects of diflubenzuron on Chaoborus astictopus and nontarget organisms and persistence of diflubenzuron in lentic habitats.  J Econ Entomol 71(3): 521-527.
  9. Apperson CS, Yows D, and Madison C.  1978.  Resistance to Methyl Parathion in Chaoborus astictopus from Clear Lake, California.  J Econ Entomol 71(5): 772-773.
  10. Brydon HW.  1956.  The Clear Lake gnat and its control in Clear Lake, California during 1954.  J Econ Entomol 49(2):206-209.
  11. Carlson JS, Nelms B, Barker CM, Reisen WK, Sehgal RNM, Cornel AJ. 2018.  Avian malaria co-infections confound infectivity and vector competence assays of Plasmodium homopolare. Parasitol Res. 117(8):2385-2394.
  12. Colwell AE and R. Garcia.  1989.  Population growth of Gambusia affinis at three stocking dates in wild rice.  Proc Pap Annu Conf Calif Mosq Vector Control Assoc 57:122-129.
  13. Colwell AE and Schaefer CH.  1978.  Effects of Dimilin on nontarget organisms during a Chaoborus field trial.  Proc Pap Annu Conf Calif Mosq Vector Control Assoc 46:111.
  14. Colwell AE and Schaefer CH.  1980.  Diets of Ictalurus nebulosus and Pomoxis nigromaculatus altered by diflubenzuron.  Can J Fish Aquatic Sci 37:632-639.
  15. Colwell AE and Schaefer CH.  1981.  Effects of the insect growth regulator Bay Sir 8514 on pest diptera and nontarget aquatic organisms.  Can Entomol 113:185-191.
  16. Colwell AE and Schaefer CH.  1983.  Effects of an insect growth regulator on plankton and Gambusia affinis.  Aquatic Toxicol 4:247-269.
  17. Colwell AE and Shorey HH.  1975.  The courtship behavior of the house fly, Musca domestica (Diptera: Muscidae).  Ann Entomol Soc Amer 68(1):152-156.
  18. Colwell AE and Shorey HH.  1976.  Courtship stimuli affecting female receptivity in the house fly, Musca domestica.  Ann Entomol Soc Amer 69(1): 80-84.
  19. Colwell AE and Shorey HH.  1977.  Female-produced stimuli influencing courtship of male house flies (Musca domestica).  Ann Entomol Soc Amer 70(3):303-308.
  20. Colwell AE 1977.  Remote sensing of dipteran breeding habitats.  Univ Calif Space Sci Rpt 19:8-27.
  21. Colwell AE.  1979.  Effects of Bay Sir-8514 on the Clear Lake gnat and nontarget organisms.  Proc Pap Annu Conf Calif Mosq Vector Control Assoc 47:33.
  22. Colwell AE.  1980.  Spatial and temporal distribution and diet of larvae of the Clear Lake gnat.  Proc Pap Annu Conf Calif Mosq Vector Control Assoc 48:127.
  23. Colwell AE.  1981.  Biting midges (Culicoides occidentalis) at Borax Lake, California.  Proc Pap Annu Conf Calif Mosq Vector Control Assoc 49:53-55.
  24. Colwell AE, Shorey HH, Baumer P, and Van Voorhis Key SE.  1978.  Sex pheromone scent marking by females of Pectinophora gossypiella (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae).  J Chem Ecol 4:717-721.
  25. Colwell AE and Shorey HH, Gaston LK, and Van Voorhis Key SE.  1978.  Short-range precopulatory behavior of males of Pectinophora gossypiella (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae).  Behav Biology 22:323-325.
  26. Colwell AE, Woodward DL, and Anderson NL.  1995.  Environmental factors affecting the western treehole mosquito.  Northwest Science 69:151-162.
  27. Colwell AE, Anderson NL and Woodward DL.  1998.  Monitoring of dipteran pests and associated organisms in Clear Lake (California).  Proc Annu Clear Lake Sci Manag Symp 1:15-32.
  28. Colwell AE, Woodward DL and Anderson NL.  1999.  Habitat partitioning among some Culicidae in Lake County, California.  Proc Annu Clear Lake Sci Manag Symp 2:8-16.
  29. Cook C, Blesi A, Brozak S, Lenhart S, Reed H, Urquhart C, Moncayo A, Trout Fryxell R.  2021.  La Crosse virus spread within the mosquito population in Knox County, TN.  PLoS One. Apr 16;16(4)
  30. Cook SF Jr. and Conners JD.  1963.  The short-term side effects of the insecticidal treatment of Clear Lake, Lake County, California, in 1962.  Ann Entomol Soc Am 56(6):819-824.
  31. Cook SF Jr. and Conners JD.  1964.  The direct response of Chaoborus astictopus to light (Diptera: Culicidae).  Ann Entomol Soc Am 57(3):387-388.
  32. Cook SF Jr. and Moore RL.  1966.  The population fluctuations of threadfin shad, Clear Lake gnat larvae, and plankton in a Lake County farm pond 1961-1965.  Proc Pap Annu Conf Calif Mosq Control Assoc 33:60-61.
  33. Cook SF Jr.  1962.  Feeding studies of the Aeneus catfish, Corydoras aeneus, on aquatic midges.  J Econom Entomol 55(2)155-157.
  34. Cook SF Jr.  1964.  The potential of two native California fish in the biological control of chironomid midges (Diptera: Chironomidae).  Mosq News 24(3):332-333.
  35. Cook SF Jr.  1965.  The Clear Lake gnat: its control, past, present, and future.  California Vector Views 12(9):43-50.
  36. Cook SF Jr.  1967.  The increasing Chaoborid midge problem in California.  California Vector Views 14(6):39-44.
  37. Cook SF Jr.  1968. The potential role of fishery management in the reduction of chaoborid midge populations and water quality enhancement California Vector Views 15(7): 63-9
  38. Cook SF Jr, Conners JD, and Moore RL.  1964.  The impact of the fishery upon the midge populations of Clear Lake, Lake County, California.  Ann Entomol Soc Am 57(6):701-707.
  39. Cook SF Jr, Moore RL, and Conners JD.  1966.  The status of the native fishes of Clear Lake, Lake County, California.  The Wasmann Journal of Biology 24(1):141-160.
  40. Dolphin RE and Peterson RN.  1960.  Developments in the research and control program of the Clear Lake gnat Chaoborus astictopus, D. & S.  Proc Pap Annu Conf Calif Mosq Control Assoc 28:90-94.
  41. Eagles-Smith CA, Suchanek TH, Colwell AE, Anderson NL.  2008.  Mercury trophic transfer in a eutrophic lake: the importance of habitat-specific foraging.  Ecol Appl 18(8 Suppl):A196-212.
  42. Eagles-Smith CA, Suchanek TH, Colwell AE, Anderson NL, Moyle PB.  2008.  Changes in fish diets and food web mercury bioaccumulation induced by an invasive planktivorous fish.  Ecol Appl 18(8 Suppl):A213-26.
  43. Elston R and Apperson CS.  1977.  A light-activated on-off switch for the C.D.C. light trap.  J Med Entomol 14(2):254-255.
  44. Fechter-Leggett E, Nelms BM, Barker CM, Reisen WK.  2012.  West Nile virus cluster analysis and vertical transmission in Culex pipiens complex mosquitoes in Sacramento and Yolo counties, California, 2011.  J Vector Ecol 37(2): 1-8.
  45. Garcia R, Colwell AE, Voigt WG, and Woodward DL.  1989.  Fay-Prince trap baited with CO2 for monitoring adult abundance of Aedes sierrensis (Diptera:  Culicidae).  J Med Entomol 26:327-331.
  46. Garcia R, Voigt WG, Colwell AE, Nomura AK, Woodward DL, and Anderson NL.  1992.  Relationship between flowering of wild rice and larval mosquito (Diptera: Culicidae) abundance in California.  Environ Entomol 21(6):1293-1300.
  47. Gaylor K, Chavez J, Koschik K, and Scott JJ. 2024. Insect Preservation Techniques for Hands-On Outreach Projects.  Poster Presentation at the 92nd Annual Conference of the Mosquito and Vector Control Association (MVCAC).  In prep  for  Proc Pap Annu Conf Mosq Vector Control Assoc Calif.
  48. Grogan WL, Spinelli GR, Phillips RA, and Woodward DL.  2004.  The male of Culicoides reevesi Wirth, with a redescription of the female and new seasonal activity, distribution, and biting records (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae).  West N Am Naturalist 64(4)433-438.
  49. Hazeltine W.  1962. Safety of wildlife is important to planners of gnat-control program.  Agri Chem.
  50. Hazeltine WE.  1963. Chemical and biological control to be combined at Clear Lake, Calif.  Agri Chem 18(9):37,189.
  51. Hazeltine WE.  1963.  The development of a new concept for control of the Clear Lake gnat.  J Econ Entomol 56(5): 621-626.
  52. Hazeltine WE.  1963.  Gnat control in mosquito abatement agencies.  Proc Pap Annu Conf Calif Mosq Control Assoc 31:39-41.
  53. Hazeltine WE.  1971.  Statement to E.P.A. Scientific Advisory Committee on DDT, June 8th, 1971.
  54. Hopken MW, Ryan BM, Huyvaert KP, PiaggioAJ.  2017. Picky eaters are rare: DNA-based blood meal analysis of Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) species from the United States.  Parasit Vectors Apr 4;10(1):169.
  55.  doi: 10.1186/s13071-017-2099-3.
  56. Jacobs SE, Colwell AE, and Wurtsbaugh WA.  1979.  Predation by the Mississippi silverside (Menidia audens) in Clear Lake, California.  Proc Pap Annu Conf Calif Mosq Vector Control Assoc 47:38-41.
  57. Kelson RV, Colwell AE, and McClusky DK.  1980.  Studies of Culicoides occidentalis at Borax Lake, California.  Proc Pap Annu Conf Calif Mosq Vector Control Assoc 48:130-135.
  58. Kothera L, Nelms BM, Reisen WK, and Savage HM. 2013. Population genetic and admixture analyses of Culex pipiens complex (Diptera: Culicidae) populations in California, United States. Am J Trop Med Hyg 13-0040.
  59. Kramer VL, Garcia R, and Colwell AE.  1987.  An evaluation of the mosquitofish, Gambusia affinis, and the Inland silverside, Menidia beryllina, as mosquito control agents in California wild rice fields.  J Am Mosq Control Assoc 3:626-632.
  60. Kramer VL, Garcia R, and Colwell AE.  1988.  An evaluation of Gambusia affinis and Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis as mosquito control agents in California wild rice fields.  J Am Mosq Control Assoc 4:470-478.
  61. Kulpa M, Nelson KJ, Morales AM, Ryan BM, Koschik ML, Scott JJ, Verocai GG.  2021.  Presence of a cryptic Onchocerca species in black flies of northern California, USA.  Parasit Vectors 14:478.
  62. Li JL, Jacobs SE, and Colwell AE.  1979.  Cyclopoid copepod predation on Chaoborus astictopus.  Proc Pap Annu Conf Calif Mosq Vector Control Assoc 47:41.
  63. Lindquist AW and Roth AR.  1951.  Control of the Clear Lake Gnat in California.  J Econ Entomol 44(4):572-577.
  64. Mills BM, Woodward DL, Scott JJ, and Ryan BM.  2009.  How do you tell a gal’s age?  Methods for age grading female mosquitoes.  Proc Pap Annu Conf Mosq Vector Control Assoc Calif 77:130-136.
  65. Mills BM, Woodward DL, Scott JJ, and Ryan BM.  2009.  It’s not impolite to ask a mosquito’s age; Practical applications of age-grading methods to answer operational questions.  Proc Pap Annu Conf Mosq Vector Control Assoc Calif 77:137-141.
  66. Mills BM, Woodward DL, Scott JJ, and Ryan BM.  2009.  Stages and ages through the season: Seasonality of size, fecundity, and gonotrophic status in Aedes sierrensis.  Proc Pap Annu Conf Mosq Vector Control Assoc Calif 77:142-151.
  67. Molaei GA. Farajollahi A, Scott JJ, Gaugler R, and Andreadis TG.  2009.  Human blood feeding by the recently introduced exotic mosquito species, Aedes japonicus japonicus (Diptera: Culicidae), and public health implications.  J. Amer. Mosq. Control Assoc. 25(2):210-214.
  68. Moore RL and Cook SF Jr..  1967.  Pan traps for migration studies of chaoborid midge larvae (Diptera: Culicidae).  Ann Entomol Soc Am 60(2):478.
  69. Nelms, BM, Fechter-Leggett E, Carroll BD, Macedo P, Kluh S, Reisen WK.  2013. Experimental and natural vertical transmission of West Nile virus by California Culex (Diptera: Culicidae) mosquitoes.  J Med Entomol 50(2):371-378.
  70. Nelms, BM, Macedo P, Kothera L, Savage HM, Reisen WK.  2013.  Overwintering biology of Culex (Diptera: Culicidae) mosquitoes in the Sacramento Valley of California.  J Med Entomol 50(4):773-790.
  71. Nelms, BM, Thiemann TC, Bridges DN, Williams AE, Koschik ML, Ryan BM, Scott JJ. 2016. Bionomics and vector potential of Culex thriambus (Diptera: Culicidae) mosquitoes in Lake County, California. J Med Entomol 53(6): 1473-1481.
  72. Nelms, BM, Woodward DL, Ryan BM, Scott JJ.  2010.  Are Late Season Mosquitoes More Likely to be Infected with Filarial Nematodes?  A Study of Age and Infection in Aedes sierrensis.  Proc Pap Annu Conf Mosq Vector Control Assoc Calif 78:115-119.
  73. Paddock CD, Yoshimizu MH, Zambrano ML, Lane RS, Ryan BM, Espinosa A, Hacker JK, Karpathy SE, Padgett KA. Rickettsia Species Isolated from Dermacentor occidentalis (Acari: Ixodidae) from California. J Med Entomol. 2018 Oct 25;55(6):1555-1560. doi: 10.1093/jme/tjy100. Erratum in: J Med Entomol. 2018 Oct 25;55(6):1664.
  74. Padgett, KA, Bonilla D, Eremeeva ME, Glaser C, Lane RS, Porse CC, Castro M, Messenger S, Espinosa A, Hacker J, Kjemtrup A, Ryan B, Scott JJ, Hu R, Yoshimizu MH, Dasch GA, and Kramer V. 2016. The Eco-epidemiology of Pacific Coast Tick Fever in California. PLOS Negl Trop Dis 10(10): e0005020. doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0005020
  75. Pérez-Pacheco, R, Platzer EG, Woodward D, and Hyman BC. 2015. Bioassays for comparative infectivity of mermithid nematodes (Romanomermis iyengari, Romanomermis culicivorax and Strelkovimermis spiculatus) for Culicine mosquito larvae. Biological Control 80:113-118.
  76. Prine EP, Lawley GG, and Moyle PB.  1975.  A multidisciplinary approach to vector ecology at Clear Lake, California.  Bull Soc Vector Ecol 2:21-31.
  77. Pyle CA, Colwell AE, and Woodward DL.  1989.  Feeding and survival of laboratory Aedes sierrensis larvae.  Proc Pap Annu Conf Calif Mosq Vector Control Assoc 57:56-60.
  78. Ryan BM, Woodward DL, and Colwell AE.  2006.  Seasonal evaluation of West Nile Virus in Lake County, California in 2005.  Proc Pap Annu Conf Mosq Vector Control Assoc Calif 74:76-80.
  79. Sacks BN, Woodward DL and Colwell AE.  2003.  A long-term study of non-native heartworm transmission among coyotes in a Mediterranean ecosystem.  Oikos 102:478-490.
  80. Schaefer CH, Dupras Jr. EF, Stewart RJ, Davidson LW, and Colwell AE.  1979.  The accumulation and elimination of diflubenzuron by fish.  Bull Environ Contam Toxicol 21:249-254.
  81. Schaefer CH, Colwell AE, and Dupras Jr. EF.  1980.  The occurrence of p-chloro-aniline and p-chlorophenylurea from the degradation of diflubenzuron in water and fish.  Proc Pap Annu Conf Calif Mosq Vector Control Assoc 48:84-89.
  82. Scott, J. J., Woodward DL, S. Bearden, and P. DeChant.  2010.  Efficacy of VectoMax CG for Mosquito Control in Wild Rice in Lake County, California.  Proc Pap Annu Conf Mosq Vector Control Assoc Calif 78:84-87.
  83. Shapiro MR, Fritz CL, Tait K, Paddock CD, Nicholson WL, Abramowicz KF, Karpathy SE, Dasch GA, Sumner JW, Adem PV, Scott JJ, Padgett KA, Zaki SR, and Eremeeva ME.  2010.  Rickettsia 364D: A Newly Recognized Cause of Eschar-Associated Illness in California.  Clin Infect Dis 50:541-548.
  84. Sikorowski PP and Madison CH.  1968.  Diseases of the Clear Lake gnat Chaoborus astictopus (Diptera: Culicidae).  Mosquito News 28(2):180-187.
  85. Sikorowski PP and Madison CH.  1968.  Host-parasite relationships of Thelohania corethrae (Nosematidae: Microsporidia) from Chaoborus astictopus (Diptera: Chaoboridae).  J Invert Path 11(3):390-397.
  86. Sikorowski PP and Madison CH.  The effects of Bacillus sphaericus, strain 8b, on the Clear Lake gnat, Chaoborus astictopus.  J Invert Path 10(2):426-428.
  87. Snell JB and Hazeltine W.  1963.  The use of insecticide to determine the life history of an aquatic gnat Chaoborus astictopus.  Ann Entomol Soc Am 56(6):816-818.
  88. Suchanek TH, Eagles-Smith CA, Slotton DG, Harner EJ, Adam DP, Colwell AE, Anderson NL, Woodward DL.  2008.  Mine-derived mercury: effects on lower trophic species in Clear Lake, California.  Ecol Appl 18(8 Suppl):A158-76.
  89. Suchanek TH, Eagles-Smith CA, Slotton DG, Harner EJ, Colwell AE, Anderson NL, Mullen LH, Flanders JR, Adam DP, McElroy KJ.  2008.  Spatiotemporal trends in fish mercury from a mine-dominated ecosystem: Clear Lake, California. Ecol Appl. 18(8 Suppl):A177-95.
  90. Suchanek TH, Richerson PJ, Zierenberg RA, Eagles-Smith CA, Slotton DG, Harner EJ, Osleger DA, Anderson DW, Cech JJ Jr, Schladow SG, Colwell AE, Mount JF, King PS, Adam DP, McElroy KJ.  2008.  The legacy of mercury cycling from mining sources in an aquatic ecosystem: from ore to organism.  Ecol Appl. 18(8 Suppl):A12-28.
  91. Thiemann TC, Woodward DL, Fang Y, Ryan BM, Nelms BM, Scott JJ, Reisen WK.  2017.  Abundance and Bloodfeeding Patterns of Mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) in an Oak Woodland on the Eastern Slope of the Northern Coast Range of California.  J Med Entomol. 54(5):1344-1353.
  92. Thiemann T, Nelms B, and Reisen WK. 2011. Bloodmeal host congregation and landscape structure impact the estimation of female mosquito (Diptera: Culicidae) abundance using dry ice-baited traps. J Med Entomol 48(3):513.
  93. Tran TD, Nelms, BM, Koschik ML, Scott JJ, Thiemann T.  2022.  Prevalence of filarial parasites in field-caught mosquitoes in northwestern California.  Journal of Vector Ecology 47(1):61-68.  
  94. Turlington LW, Woodward DL, and Colwell AE.  1986.  Susceptibility of the Clear Lake gnat, Chaoborus astictopus, to the hyphomycete fungus Tolypocladium cylindrosporum.  Proc Pap Annu Conf Calif Mosq Vector Control Assoc 53:98-100.
  95. Turlington LW, Woodward DL, and Colwell AE.  1989.  Pathogenesis of Tolypocladium cylindrosporum (Deuteromycotina: Hyphomycetes) in Chaoborus astictopus (Diptera: Chaoboridae).  J Invert Pathol 55:126-129.
  96. Urquhart C, Paulsen D, Fryxell RTT.  2017.  La Crosse Virus Vectors Are Host-Seeking and Ovipositing After 1700 H in Eastern Tennessee.  J Am Mosq Control Assoc. 33(3):233-236.
  97. Urquhart C and Scott JJ.  2021. Comparison of trap collections and cost of commercially available and homemade yellowjacket (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) traps in Lake County, California.  J Econ Entomol 114(2):868-874.
  98. Washburn JO, Woodward DL, Colwell AE, and Anderson JR.  1992.  Correlation of Aedes sierrensis captures at human sentinels with CO2-baited Fay-Prince and duplex cone traps.  J Am Mosq Control Assoc 8(4):389-393.
  99. Williges EA, Farajollahi A, Scott JJ, McCuiston LJ, Crans WJ, Gaugler R.  2008.  Colonizing Aedes japonicus (Theobald).  J Am Mosq Control Assoc 24(4):591–593.
  100. Woodward DL, Colwell AE, and Anderson NL.  1985.  Use of pyrethrin larvicide to control Culicoides variipennis (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) in an alkaline lake.  J Am Mosq Control Assoc 1:363-368.
  101. Woodward DL, Colwell AE, and Anderson NL.  1988.  The aquatic insect communities of tree holes in northern California oak woodlands.  Bull Soc Vector Ecol 13:221-234.
  102. Woodward DL, Colwell AE, and Anderson NL.  1996.  Temporal and spatial distribution of Aedes sierrensis oviposition.  Proc Pap Annu Conf Mosq Vector Control Assoc Calif 64:51-62.
  103. Woodward DL, Colwell AE, and Anderson NL.  1997.  Studies of Aedes sierrensis and the ecology of water-filled treeholes.  Proc Annu Clear Lake Sci Manag Symp 1:37-42.
  104. Woodward DL, Colwell AE, and Anderson NL.  1998.  Surveillance studies of Orthopodomyia signifera with comparisons to Aedes sierrensis.  J Vector Ecol 23: 136-148.
  105. Woodward DL, Colwell AE, and Anderson NL.  1998.  Factors affecting habitat segregation among treehole mosquitoes in Lake County, California.  Proc Annu Clear Lake Sci Manag Symp 2:32-39.
  106. Woodward DL, Colwell AE and Anderson NL.  2003.  Natural variability in the seasonal occurrence and densities of adult populations of Ochlerotatus sierrensis.  J Am Mosq Control Assoc 19(1):23-32.
  107. Woodward DL, Colwell AE, and Sanderson TW.  2004.  Diel periodicity of host-seeking by Ochlerotatus sierrensis, the western treehole mosquito.  Proc Pap Annu Conf Mosq Vector Control Assoc Calif 72:66-72.
  108. Woodward DL, Colwell AE, and Mills BM.  2008. Time of day that Aedes sierrensis females enter oviposition sites prior to laying eggs.  J Am Mosq Control Assoc. 24(1):112-14.
  109. Woodward DL, Zavortink TJ, Scott JJ, and Colwell AE.  2010.  A New Southern Limit along the Pacific Rim of North America for Mochlonyx cinctipes (Diptera: Chaoboridae), Eucorethra underwoodi (Diptera: Chaoboridae), and Aedes fitchii (Diptera: Culicidae).  Pan-Pac Entomol 86(2):35-46.
  110. Wright S, Lemenager D, Woodward D, Anderson N, and Thompson M.  2003.  A survey of Ixodes pacificus on bird and lizard hosts in Northern California.  Proc Pap Annu Conf Mosq Vector Control Assoc Calif 71:58-63.